Magic: The meeting has given us a first look at four commander covering that will launch as part of the Great Final Fantasy Crossover, each of which revolves around a single game.
Final Fantasy 6, 7, 10, 14 were chosen as the respective games, with Terra, Cloud, Tidus and Y’Shtola that led each deck respectively.
Each deck contains 100 cards, including sprints of existing cards – this time with Final Fantasy Art – as well as brand new cards.
Magic: The meeting has tended much further in the partnerships of video games, with popular sets such as Fallout, and less popular sets such as Assassin’s Creed, which have been released in recent years as part of the Beyond Series Universes. Final Fantasy is the next Big Video Game Crossover Coming to Magic: The Gathering and Wizards of the Coast has given us a first look at the four commander decks that will be recorded.
For the first time revealed by IGN, each of these commander will turn for a certain Final Fantasy game, with Final Fantasy 6, 7, 10 and 14 chosen as the four with which Wizards go. The commanders of each deck are of course the central protagonists of each game, with Terra, Cloud, Tidus and Y’Shtola all. You can see the cards below.
Magic: The Final Fantasy Commander Decks of the meeting have been revealed
Each of these sets includes 100 cards that are designed around each game, including reprints of existing cards with Final Fantasy Art, as well as some brand new cards to start. Senior Game designer Daniel Holt explained that the decision to leave each cover theme around one game theme the team enabled “to dive deep into the tradition of each, whereby it recorded even more beloved moments of the storyline of the game. “
When asked how exactly was the coast of wizards to choose the games that would be included in the crossover (I am somewhat disappointed Final Fantasy 9 did not make the cut), Holt explained that Fantasy 7 and 14 clearly explained the clear Choices were to their popularity, but that Final Fantasy 6 and 10 were partially chosen because of how many fans of those games to the wizards of the coastal team were.

Who I would cast in the magic: the collective film
Magic: The meeting is on its way to the big screen and needs a cast to match.
As for the commanders in every deck, there was apparently much discussion about who to choose. Cloud was a no-brainer for Final Fantasy 7, but Holt claims that there was much discussion about the other three. Celes was considered for Final Fantasy 6, because the set is running all over the world of ruin, of which she is the clear focus instead of Terra, while Yuna was also considered for Final Fantasy 10.
Y’Shtola was chosen for Final Fantasy 14, specifically because of the popularity of the character and the fact that she is a spellcaster, although ideas were driven around for a very adaptable warrior of light commander, but they had “pretty profound executions”.
All these sets will be released later this year this year, and seeing how popular the crossover is likely to be, you might be best to circling that date in your agenda three or four times. Other products with a Final Fantasy theme will be released and these decks too, and I have crossed my fingers my boys Zidane and Vivi get their own spotlights.